Congratulations, people, on finding my humble blog..
Well, considering i have 'a couple' of you guys on my friendster list, it's no wonder one could and would find it.
To some of you whom i love and appreciate, i'm gonna say thanks..
Some of you sweethearts have gone through the shitty parts of my 4 months with me, helped me through, and two of you have covered my arse pretty well.
You guys know who you are (when i gave a rather teary goodbye before i left).
I will never forget what you guys have done for me. Ever.
That's how much i appreciate you dears.. :)
To some of you whom i have neither love/hate feelings, hello!
Don't really like you guys nosing in, but hello too!
To the particular you that i do not like... :)
Well, to say you helped me out with you know who, was a bit... of an overstatement.
Why? Hhmm let me count the reasons:-
No.1: You are NOT to bitch about a client to other people in the same industry. Never. Do you know why? Because it makes your company look bad. And word gets around, ok, it does.
No.2: You are NOT supposed to drink during office hours. Regardless of whether you are on fasting (or not). Period.
No.3: Even after a drinking binge which you do in my boss's office, you do NOT swagger around and parade that you are.
Well, i mean, you're a pretty nice dude and all. Really, you are.
But the three reasons above is exactly why i wrote the post that i did.
I do not exactly like to burn bridges. Really.
This is a personal blog. This is where i pour out MY personal feelings.. hence why it's personal.
What i feel about any of you, and how i live my life is none of your business.
If you wanna read it, go ahead. You might not like it, and your opinion of me might change, but there are some things that i don't give a damn about.
And this is one of it.
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