LovabLe Neurotic

this space is my own... the world through my eyes

Saturday, May 27, 2006

i can't find my ray of sunshine, God.

conflicted. torn.
in a loop, over again.
going in circles.
crying out in vain, it hurts.
i've been touched. by an angel.
chin. finger.
i've been torn apart. by you.
screams. shouts. tears.
this heart. no longer me.
dreams. dashed.
a million shards.
a thousand reasons.
a hundred times over.
two. you. me.
without you. i hurt.
without you. it hurts.
it'll be just me.
this time. reasons.
answers. can't be found.
excuses. abound.
this decision. which.

conflicted. slashed. shreds. heart. mine.
no one. sees.
no one.

where is my ray of sunshine?


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