the day my hp started to die on me...
my hp is dying on me. my loyal, lovely, old, chunky BLUE-screened Nokia has begun to die.
It consistently turns off without my consent. it happens so often, it's getting fucking irritating.
like, when i'm sms-ing someone... or when i'm in the middle of a call.
and then i'll scream and hurl abuses at my faithful... "MAHAI!!! Now only die meh? Early don't die, late don't die, when i'm on a call only die! Mahaiiiiiiii"
Or somewhere along those lines.
so, i've decided to get a Chocolate.
and it's SO coming!!!!!! i'm getting it cheaper than the market price, cause my dad knows this guy who distributes them. wahahha! yes yes yes!
i practically orgasm-ed when i saw the pic on the comp screen... omg... i was literally caressing the screen making 'oOoohhh, yes.... beautiful... aawwww... ooOooOOooo'
i'm disgusted with myself at the moment.
over. hahaaa....
getting a new phone is Surreal!!! :D
MAHAIIIIII is lucinda's new favourite word!!!! hee hee hee
Ahahahaa... yes it is babe! Damn cute, can?! :D
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