it pains me
Look at this! Woohooooo...
i'm so fucking impressed man..... =D
Now we can all be rest assured that everything will be transparent. that everything will be crystal-clear. We dont have to worry anymore hor?
*rolls eyes*
it pains me.
it pains me to see the government 'trying' to eradicate corruption... when the problem is at the grassroots. Try changing the education system first.
it pains me to see the government declaring that Chinese in Malaysia are not marginalised. when it's so damn obvious. How many of us get to go to local universities? Instead we have to pay more money to go to a public uni. Nevermind that. At least the education system is better there.
it pains me to see some people who would rather ignore all the signs. When it's so obvious that this country is going to the dumps. Why can't we turn things around?
it pains me to see that we fight each other. Malays. Chinese. Indians. We hurl racist comments at each other.. when the problem is not with US. It's with the ones who are controlling this beautiful country i live in.
it also pains me to see how other countries are being run. How the Chinese are being prejudiced.
Look at Indonesia:- 1. The Men dont work at the fields. Women do. Men just sit at the roadside; to smoke and drink. 2. Then they complain that the government isn't helping them enough. That they're siding the Chinese. (Note that the chinese are already being slaughtered there. We're hardy ppl. We work hard. We are rich and we became rich by our two hands). 4. Government 'tries' to console them. Doesn't work. 5. The people burn down churches and temples and kills the Chinese.
It pains me that no matter how much we say about these things.. nothing can be done. Our opinions are worth NOTHING. Chinese, Malay and Indians alike.
It pains me to see that there seems to be only one solution to this problem... By migrating.
Don't misunderstand me.
i love my country. i love the weather (Not the mossies tho). i love the food (GLORIOUS GLORIOUS FOOD). and i actually like the people here.
But i don't want my kids to be raised in this system. i don't want them to learn that to be Chinese is to be pushed over and not be given benefits; even if they're born here. i want them to learn equality. to be respected for what they do and what they can do.
It pains me that the only solution.. is by escaping it. that there really is no solution.
shadowfox> hahaha shit, isn't that wat they wrote in your blog?! o.O
it actually is a great idea.. i think i might. i was actually thinking of migrating to either canada or australia. wat say you?
migrating is a easy way out.u are just accelerating us the chinese into the mere minority group.what pains me is the proudness and unabashed way of announcing the 18.9%equity'9 NEP and we are still a useless lot!'
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