LovabLe Neurotic

this space is my own... the world through my eyes

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Malaysians having amnesia.

something to ponder over:



To my friends who have not yet registered, please register yourself at the nearest post office.

Hope you guys know who you're voting for.

i've slowed down on clubbing lately. Not on drinking though.

Another drinking party tonite!

i'm cooking PORK CHOPS!!!!!

All the 'Chue Pah' you can eat... yumm...

woke up at 8 in the frigging morning today, drove all the way to ss2 market and bought 10 huge pieces of pork chops and it's marinating slowly in the refrigerator as i type this.

*licks lips*


i'll be clubbing at Ruums on the 27th of this month. A friend is spinning with jungle jerry.
This might be the only time i will be clubbing this month.
(Oh wait.. i went to savannh last sat nite)

Haha.. so much for stopping.


psst: jazzercise is working. My ass is TIGHT! *giggles*


Blogger Warlock said...

shadowfox : Tight dick might not be such a good thing .. for starters it might hurt when we have to go pee. :P

Seriously though I've read that there are exercises to help improve the 'male virility'.. maybe you should check it out on the net .. could just be another of them dang urban legends though.

LusciousLuc : Melayu mudah lupa wat. That was what Mahathir always says. Badawi seems to be making a 180 from his previous "coming into power" speech on how the Malays have to rely less on crutches less they end up in wheelchairs. Guess, Melayu really 'mudah lupa'

October 16, 2006 1:00 am  
Blogger LusciousLuc said...

shadowfox> Huahuahuaaa.... so good boy meh? Never drink a single drop? Maybe cause your tummy wasn't feeling too well... =P

Ah.. exercise for the OTHER orifice.. hhmm.. kegels help! =D

warlock> i dont think shadow wants to tighten his.. erm.. dick. hahahaa..

Sigh. i know. First they had mahathir who spoonfed the malays; but regretted it in his later years. and now they have badawi who does not know what he wants. i honestly thought he was an alright pm.. until i saw the effects.

i can't trust him anymore. i have this awful feeling that this country is going down to the dumps.

October 16, 2006 9:12 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

at the rate of your drinking amnesia will be settling in soon.good for u ,can be branded a bumiputra thus all the perks!

October 30, 2006 1:52 am  

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