icky green stuff..
a conversation:
yew-kheong.lee-eds says:
u need to cleanse ur body ler
yew-kheong.lee-eds says:
i think a lot of toxin
LovaBLe-nEuroTic (i will never ever mix beer, tequila & vodka ever again. urgh) **Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur** says:
hahaha could be
after this week k, after ParTee in peedee first
LovaBLe-nEuroTic (i will never ever mix beer, tequila & vodka ever again. urgh) **Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur** says:
start detoxing
LovaBLe-nEuroTic (i will never ever mix beer, tequila & vodka ever again. urgh) **Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur** says:
i'll go to curve
take some of that weed water
LovaBLe-nEuroTic (i will never ever mix beer, tequila & vodka ever again. urgh) **Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur** says:
double shot or something
yew-kheong.lee-eds says:
yew-kheong.lee-eds says:
wheat grass babes
yew-kheong.lee-eds says:
not weed
o.O same thing, same thing *waves hand like a bimbo*
Luc, you sure got Rave this weekend in PD? Who's organizing it?
Weed = wheat? I doubt they serve 'weed' water in Laundry.
sunil> LoL.. it's wheat grass juice sold in a juice stall next to watsons. haha. Not Laundry hun.
Yes, Kent's organizing. RM150 per couple, one room, one carton of ciggies and two entries to partee =)
shadowfox> i know i should but everyone's telling me it's nothing much.. shouldn't worry.
Haha. i'll keep that in mind.
there's always the juice detox method. don't ask me how to do it. but i figure, juice is a hell lot better tasting than a lotta other detox crap people are buying for hundreds of ringgit.
just quit smoking and drinking for three days and take plenty of supplements. the placebo effect works wonders hehehe.
chienne> i quit smoking adey! i onli smoke on weekends or when i drink. i never take supper. perhaps i don't sweat enough; never bothered to exercise.
haha will try to consume vitamins in a pill babe.
Damn guess i missed the rave. Hang on .. 150 a couple? Did they provide a partner for those without one? :p
It's alright. Oct 28 PD again.
sunil> hahahaaa..... no partner la!
RM150 per couple per room; 1 carton of ciggies; FREE Dinner and Breakfast (for e next hung-over morning); freeflow beer, whiskey,vodka cranberry, rum and orange; two big fights which resulted in two idiots getting head-banged pretty badly (a.k.a. FREE SHOW)
Another one on oct 28? who's organizing?
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