LovabLe Neurotic

this space is my own... the world through my eyes

Monday, September 25, 2006


i am.

A FUCKING HUGE COCKROACH (1cm in length) crawled across my table and i screamed! it crawled under my phone, and then it completely disappeared! Vanished! without a trace.


now i'm so scared to even put my hands down on my table

in case it comes up again.

not easy to type with my hands nicely hovering over my keyboard at all times ok. Not funny! i have a 4 page feature to write by today. ARGH

Why, God, why?

Are You punishing me because i eat on my table? And occassionally leave crumbs on it? But You know i hate cockroaches... and i don't even touch them. So why punish meeeeee? i don't harm them.. i RUN AWAY from them

i'm so scared of cockroaches i'd rather die than touch them.


*yes i am paranoid*

tried finding the name of that phobia, but apparently it's still in debate. Some call it blattodephobia. Hhmm..

i found this one highly amusing!

Parthenophobia- Fear of virgins or young girls

imagine being afraid of virgins! haahahaaaaaa


and i also am a pussy when it comes to drinking.

on Fri we went to Laundry (nick, candice, me, ivor, kheong, abel, and mich) and we had beer and tequila.

decided it wasn't enough.

went to Nick's house and drank more tequila and vodka.

and we had so much fun drinking we completely ignored kheong, who sat throughout our alcohol bingeing for 6 hours! haha. We were so high, we were even amused with this stupid roulette Nick bought from Nilai.

we just kept on laughing. and we drank some more and laughed again. haha.

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Abel spinning!

i dare say i will never ever ever mix the three above again. Felt so hungover i could just keel over and DIE.

i never used to have hangovers. Perhaps it was because i was young. Shit. i used to drink like, 20 shots and still end up with no hangover.

i'm really not that much older. Perhaps all the years of drinking since i was 13 is taking its toll now. so much for quitting *sheepish smile*


Blogger LusciousLuc said...

Erm... because you ARE boring.

Come on, i normally have to drink your share too ok?

(Now now, i am NO alco aight? i just drink like a fish, that's all)

September 27, 2006 2:46 pm  

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