what else but the haze? =_="
i'm getting sick and tired of the haze.
i wake up every morning, hoping to see a bright sun shiny day.. and what do i get?
Smog and burning eyes.
i can't sleep WITH air con because i have sinusitis.
i can't sleep WITHOUT air con because it's too fucking hot.
Wat am i going to do? Stop work until the haze is over?
Exerpts from a great piece from The Sun 18.10.2006 (can't find the article online)
by Derek Fernandez
"API readings don't mean much when throats are on fire. It is unforgiveable that children have to breathe this carcinogenic muck at a tender age. Muslims have to suffer more during this Ramadhan period since they have to abstain from drinking water under very severe conditions...
... For nearly a decade we have put up with an inconsiderate neightbour who shows no signs of taking action, except to issue meaningless statements of regret and apology.
... The claim that Indonesia does not have the resources to fight the fires is a joke since if they needed help then they should have asked for it a long time ago, ratified the Asean agreement in 2005 and prosecuted the culprits whom they partly blame.
Surely 10 years is long enough. What is more shocking is that our leaders play the same old broken record of excuses, which frankly everybody is sick of hearing. The impotence of ASEAN to solve such a serious problem after so many years just lends support to the criticism that ASEAN is just a "talk fest".
Indonesia on their part continues to blame, in part, the problem on Malaysian companies carrying out land clearing by burning which is prohibited..... If this is true, please give us the list of Malaysian companies and their directors who are involved together...
... Please stop talking about it, signing pieces of paper or regurgitating the same verbiage at conferences."
I hope this clears matters up for some of you.
Come on, the Malaysian government can do better than that.
Instead of spending approximately RM50-100K for each session of Cloud Seeding, why not seed over Indonesia? Haven't they realized BY NOW that cloud seeding HERE will not clear the haze? Come on.. another whiff of wind, and voila.. we're covered in smog again.
No wonder Sabah is now claiming they're broke. Dudes.. RM50-100K each session wei. How not to be broke?
If only the Indonesian government would allow them to fly over to Kalimantan and seed over there. I'm certain that the resutls will be better than the ones we're seeing now.
Hopeless cases.
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