1. What was I doing 10 years back...
i was 15, and just started morning session. It was the year that i found my first love, and probably the year i realized how cool wearing Baju Kurungs without a camisole is (just the bra, preferably lacy). Also the year i realized i loved History, and it continued to be one of my passions until today. it was also the year that i got molested in school by a bunch of kampung boys. IN school, mind you, during Teachers' Day celebration. Yeah. Hhmmm.
2.What was I doing 1 year back...
Dying under Ms Medusa from Deloitte. She was ruining my life, and i tried my best to make hers difficult too. Haha. i remember vaguely about grossly overspending on a myriad of things that i obviously do not need :0)
3. 5 snacks I enjoy...
i don't eat snacks. but i
always crave for oily, fried meat. YUUMMMM. and spicy food as well.
4. 5 songs I know all the lyrics off my head right now...
Quite a lot, actually. Lemme seeee.... at the top of my head:-
a. Hurt, Christina Aguilera
b. Say Goodbye, Jordan Knight
c. Disenchanted, My Chemical Romance
d. "Meng Ngang", Justin
e. Kiss Goodbye, Wang Li Hom
Crap! i just realized all the songs are sad. mahai.
5. 5 things I would do if I am a millionaire...
a. Save 40% of it in FD
b. Invest 40% of it
c. Buy two LV bags, one Hermes bag, two pairs of Manolos, and one Gucci wallet
d. Buy better skincare (preferably SKII, Sisley or La Mer)
e. Pay RM50k off my parents' housing loan
6. 5 bad habits...
a. sighing
b. eating fried/oily/fatty food
c. cracking my knuckles and joints and back and chest and the list goes on and on and on
d. procrastinating
e. too friendly
7. 5 things you would never wear, buy or get new again...
a. frilly dresses (URGH! so unsophisticated. blergh)
b. dresses that are plain in colour and looks cheap (double blergh)
c. platform shoes (speaks for itself)
d. black eyeshadow and nail polish (too goth! Eewww!!)
e. anything with squid, octopus, salted fish, dried anchovies & shrimp, sambal, belacan.
f. manicure (completely pointless)
g. everything from Phillips (bloody incompetent, useless service people)
h. anything from MNG (so damn common. every girl has a piece)
i. calculator (no point. it's not like i will use it ever again. haha)
ok, i just had to put more than five. wahaha.
8. 5 favourite "toys"...
a. fingers
b. dildo
c. anything round at the end or resembles a mushroom head
d. whip
e. handcuffs
Sorry lah, i don't play with any toys. But my fav stuff are:
a. Mobile (my trusted w810i)
b. Books (everything and anything)
c. Coffee (i'm sorry! it IS a thing, dammit!!)
d. Car (i sit in my baby 3 hours a day. i
have to love it, you know?)
e. My baby pillow, so stinky, so shrunken, so... yummm..... :0) Can't sleep without it.
i refuse to tag anyone, so.. yeah! :D